Friday, May 07, 2010

Just Accepted a Great Retirement Part Time Job

On Monday, I accepted an offer for a great part time job in retirement. Here are the elements that make it almost perfect for me:

  • Flexible work hours - Although I need to work a between of 30-40 hours per week, I can choose my own schedule anytime the office is open, which is 24/7. Thus, I can work anytime that is convenient for me.

  • Convenient location. Although it is more than 5 miles from my home, it is within 5 miles of a volunteer job location and within a mile from another part time job location. Thus, I can coordinate my work hours with these other jobs to reduce time commuting.

  • Reasonable pay. The job pays $11.75 per hour and includes paid training.

  • Short term.The job will last a maximum of six weeks, but could end earlier. Since retiring, I prefer working seasonal jobs that have defined start and ending times.

  • The only element missing that would make this a perfect retirement part time job would be employee perks, e.g. free use of company services, which I don't expect this job to have. At this point, the only potential downside is that I won't like the work. However, I think I can do an office job with the other characteristics for six weeks, no matter how much I dislike the work :-)

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