Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Simple Test for Financial Presenters

I regularly receive invitations to dinner financial seminars.   I usually do not attend since they are marketing events for the presenter.  However, I will attend seminars when the topic or product is of interest to me.   Over the past two months, I've attended financial seminars for the following topics: annuities, managed investment accounts and Social Security. 

While the presenter uses the seminar as opportunity establish personal contact, I use the seminar as an opportunity to evaluate the financial advisor and the products. Here is what I look for from a seminar presenter:
  • Substance.  I want to hear about a new or better idea I can use personally, whether or not I work with the presenter.  Also, I want to learn about the reasons for the presenter's perspective or better idea.  I like a presenter that provides details about why they are making a recommendation so that I can evaluate the logic.
  • Knowledge.  I like to ask a question  on a topic which I've researched to confirm my understanding.  I don't have an issue if the presenter disagreeing with me.  However, I will not work with an advisor who doesn't have more knowledge than me on a topic that is supposed to be an area of expertise.
  • No Pressure.  I like to invest according to my own timing, not the presenter's timing.  I'm OK waiting until I'm comfortable, even if I miss some gains as the market continues to rise.
I only consider a few of the dinner financial seminars offered to me.  I will usually attend seminars from advisors I currently use.  For the others, I only attending topics that are of interest to me and offer me an opportunity to evaluate the presenter.

For more on The Practice of Personal Finance, check back every Wednesday  for a new segment

This is not financial advice. Please consult a professional advisor.

Copyright © 2012 Achievement Catalyst, LLC

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